Hawks Nest Wines of NZ

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Hawks Nest Wines of NZ

Hawks Nest Wines of NZ

Well, I said in blog #1 that I would try to do a good job on reporting in frequently. Sandra read what I put up for the first message and was agast at my sentence structure and punctuation. Hey!! I am a doc and not trained to write or type. ( did you ever see a Rx that you could actually read when your doc gave it to you? Of course not, they select the worst writers in the 3rd grade of school and shut them toward medicine I think since we all write and spell terrible!!)
Anyway, today we got the rest of our side netting on the grapes and now they are safe. WE have had a hot and still three days and that is super for the grapes. I noted the birds sitting in the trees near our orchard watching us put up the netting. They did not seem to be too depressed about it. Actually the do get a bit of the grapes as the dive down and grab the netting at peck through it as the sink slowly toward to ground and get a few good straw-like sucks from the grapes. Thus we do not totally protect the grapes from the birds. Ever wonder how we tie the netting on? We use those plastic pale green grocery store ties that you see no bread and buns in stores. My fingers are a bit cut tonight from those sharp suckers. Also we found a few wasp nests in the vines today. That sure scared Sandra who does NOT like insects that sting at all.
A final nature lession from NZ as I close. There is only one poisonous spider in NZ and it is only mildly so. No snakes or scorpions or other bad guys hiding in the bush here. There were NO native land mammals in NZ until the South Pacific islanders came about a thousand years ago. Before then just bats and dolphin as native mammels. That is all for now



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