Hawks Nest Wines of NZ: Hawks Nest Wines of NZ

Hawks Nest Wines of NZ: Hawks Nest Wines of NZ Finally the year end celebrating is over- The eating, the drinking, the gifting, the visiting, the parties, and the cleaning up!!! Now we can all settle down to see how long it takes us to break all our New Years Resolutions. ME? I resolve to be a nicer person to all those that I meet this year and to stop interrupting those who are talking to me. (a life long fault of mine according to my wife since she never can complete a sentence when are are talking) Anyway, we are now starting to pack for New Zealand. So what about these two photos in this blog? Well, one is our lovely granddaughter, Cadance Hurt, who is three now an going to be a party animal as you can see in this photo. She is sooooo photogenic that I thought I should put her on the internet at a young age as I don't think 3 year olds have My Space or You Tube sites yet. The other photo is of Nick Sparks of here in Nashvegas at one of our past wine tastings last year.(on the right with the longer hair) I wanted to publicly thank Nick for his input on our wine. He has two very interesting web sites. (his day job is music, but this is "Music City" of course so that is to be expected of someone with a keen interest in wine) Nick keeps a nice events calender of wine events in Nashville and the region. It is www.NashvilleWineEvents.com and if you live here you need to bookmark it so you will be up to date on all wine events. His other site is self explainatory== www.DecantAndRant.com Do check this site out as well if you have time. I still have two more tasting events here in Nashville-tomorrow at Macke's in Green Hills after work and then on Thurs the 4th at Watermark also afterwork. After that, we are packing up and getting ready to go back to NZ. I probably won't blog again before we get back to lovely Matakana (unless I have a bit of time and something interesing to say about out wine and grapes) I need to get home to our vineyard before I comment on what is actually going on there just now. It will be good to get back to a place where it stays light until after 9 PM this time of the year.!!!! More from Down Under. Dr. JIm
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