Hawks Nest Wines of NZ: April 2006

Hawks Nest Wines of NZ: April 2006
I have aften talked about NZ as being called the God Zone. Well, here is a photo that I took last evening just before dusk from our front yard looking out to the Pacific at a sight I have never seen before. A vertical rainbow!!! I have never even known that they could occur and suddenly one appeared just out from our window. That to me sure seems to validate the concept of NZ being favored by the powers above!!!!
The other photo shows the "cake" of pressed grape skins that have been discarded from our wine press. Sandra is pretending that she is going to muck about in the pulp with that pitchfork. I can assure you that she did NOT as the pile was buzzing with fruit flies attracted to the grape skins after sitting out overnight. ( Sandra hates bugs of all types!!!!!) We will hook this cart to our tractor tomorrow and spread the pulp out in the orchard as good fermented compost material. I bet the worms have a ball when they first crawl into this stuff that still has some residual fermention going on when it hits the ground!!!!!
More soon:;
DR Jim Downunder and definitely in the God Zone
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