Hawks Nest Wines of NZ

Hawks Nest Wines of NZ
People have asked how we were able to get wine from our little four acres of land in Matakana, NZ for sale in Middle Tennessee. Beleive me, it was not easy. Life is full of little roadblocks but there sure are a lot of steps one has to take to get wine from New Zealand into Tennessee. I won't even try to go into all that has to be done to export wine out of NZ and then import it into the states and then finally the state of Tenn. Just let me say the path is long and convulated at best.
We would have never gotten it done without the help of the guys in this photo. From the left they are Jason, Richard, Robert Lipman and his daughter, Gracie. They helped us tremendously over the last 10 months to get our wine into Tennessee. Lucky for us they visited Matakana Valley and Hawks Nest Vineyard last May and liked our wine, our vines, our site, our winemaker and our vision to sell quality NZ red wine into Tennessee. Now, with their help our first release-Hawks Nest Orchard Block Red- is finally available in Middle Tennessee.
The wine is now "resting" in the Robert Lipman Nashville warehouse after it's long trip from down under before it's release. You can now ask for it at your local bottle shop and tell your local wine consultant that you want to try some of that new New Zealand Hawks Nest Orchard Block Red. We know you will like it if you give it a try. It will be retailing for around $29 locally.
SO, do give our wine a try and let us know what you think about it. We are proud of it and can already promise that our next release this fall of our 05 wine will be even better!!!
"life is too short to drink bad wine"
DR Jim Downunder
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