FUN AT Vn WINE STORE TODAY + Tennessee Politics
Today was my first real visit to Yn and I got to do a bit of browsing while there. He has sooo many wines that I have never heard of so it is a very unique shop!! I took a lot of shots and here are some of the better ones. No one was imbibing in the store but that one lady in the yellow blouse was pretty cool to pose with the wine bottles in her ears. That was her spontaneous pose but I bet she is a party animal.
That is Ed smiling in all the photos. (he is smiling because his new store is a hit and he may make some money eventually) The outside shot with the two lovely ladies flanking Ed shows the neat signs and their unique way of spelling wine. (note that Ed always gets to stand by the lovely ladies)
A BIG "THANK YOU ED" FROM ALL OF US AT HAWKS NEST!!!!! We do appreciate you stocking our wine.
The last photo of the cool station wagon needs a bit of explanation and has nothing to do with wine. But!! it is of great importance to me and this is my blog. So, lets talk Tennessee politics.
I have been a life long Republican except for my one vote for Jimmy Carter. Also I have mostly be a listless and only casual voter and never donated to or actively supported any sort of local or national US politician. However, we can all learn from our past mistakes as Susan Tuke tells me!! Thus I am going to work actively this year for Bob Tuke for US Senator. I have already donated money and wine to his campaign and plan to volunteer for him the rest of the race. If you live in Tennessee you will know of Lamar Alexander our career politician current senator. He is ok but pretty boring. Lamar has voted against wind energy which really pi #%ed me off for starters. Then I learned that he has not voted for increased aid to returning Iraq US war vets. That was the last straw for me even though Lamar is my neighbour.
Bob Tuke is a long time friend of mine and is a good, hard working, honest man with a long stellar career as soldier, constant volunteer, family values man, and very respected legal professional. ( can you believe it?--I am voting for both a lawyer and a Democrat!!!) Please go to his web site and listen to him talk on YOU Tube to see and hear him speak for himself. Bob is going to be "the man from Tennessee" this US fall as we have a "Change of Power" in Washington. So join me in supporting him!!!!!!!!
Sorry to divert into politics but it is my blog:):)
More soon;;
Dr JIm
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