Now that I have your attention with the title of this post I can share with you this very interesting news item in the paper here this week. It seems that a little wine may actually be good for Joints of the medical type that is.
The article below outlines the conclusion that smokers have less arthritis symptoms if the are also drinkers of alcohol. The abstract below is a bid dense but sure is good news to me. I don't smoke, I do have arthritis, and I definitely consume a bit of alcohol daily when I can. Heck, I guess I have been doing the correct think all along.
More soon
Date: Fri 06 Jun 2008
A study headed by Hanrik Källberg of the Karolisnka Institute in
"Concomitant genetic and questionnaire information on alcohol and smoking was obtained for 1204 cases - 879 female and 325 male - and 871 controls - 645 female and 226 male," the researchers said. Of the participants tested in the studies, the quarter found to more regularly consume alcohol were 40 to 50 per cent less likely to develop RA over participants with a lower intake.
The study concludes; The observed inverse association between alcohol intake and risk of RA and the recent demonstration of a preventive effect of alcohol in experimental arthritis, indicates that alcohol may protect against RA. This highlights the potential role of life-style in determining the risk to develop RA, and emphasises the advice to stop smoking, but not necessarily to abstain from alcohol in order to diminish risk of RA. More generally, the evidence of potential RA prevention, urges for additional studies on how this can be achieved.
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