Hawks Nest Wines of NZ: Hawks Nest Wines of NZ: Hawks Nest Wines of NZ

Hawks Nest Wines of NZ: Hawks Nest Wines of NZ: Hawks Nest Wines of NZ Well, all is going very good in Nashville with the sale of Hawks Nest Orchard Block Red Wine. It looks like we will be out of stock for our 04 first vintage before the new 05 bottles arrive around Thanksgiving. I have another wine tasting this next week in a new area of the region-the Franklin area. That should expose a whole new group of people to some good NZ red blend. I keep getting really good feedback on how well our wine seems to taste even in this hot humid summer weather here now. Lucky for us or medium tannin red blend goes down well in hot weather—who would have ever thought that would be the case???
Here is a shot of Steve Yocum outside Nashville Wine and Spirits liquor store which is one of the biggest seller of fine wines in this entire area. They have been selling a lot of our wine this last month as many of our wine imbibing friends shop here regularly. Today when I popped in and talked Steve into coming out front of the store in 100 degree heat for a photo for this blog, I noted that they only had two bottles left in the shop!!!! Nothing makes me happier than seeing empty bottle space on the shelves where our wine usually sits. To quote you know who that really “makes my day”.
I talked to Jeremy, our vineyard manager, on the phone back in NZ and he tells me that our winter pruning is almost finished. Now we just wait for springtime in Matakana so those suckers can start sprouting again. He also said that our 05 barrel and even the very young 06 barrel samples are now tasting pretty good. (I hope he does not drink the darn barrels dry with all that frequent tasting before we get back) We are all approved for our US export label for our 05 release so now we can print our new labels and prepare for bottling and labeling in mid Sept. Sandra and I have not yet seen our wine being bottled, so that will be a treat for us when we get home to NZ on Sept the 11th. (hummmmmmm, should I maybe travel another day??? No way as I am not going to let terrorists scare me!!)
Anyway, my next blog will be about our upcoming wine even at my favorite cousin’s house down on Lookout Mountain, Tennessee. That will be a blast as Mufti (that’s my cousin!!!) is a lot of fun and can really throw a good party!!! So, look out for a report on that event next week if we survive her hospitality and don't fall off the cliff that is her back yard.
More Soon and happy sipping
Dr Jim –longing to get back downunder
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