Hawks Nest Wines of NZWell, this will be my last post from Nashvegas until December. Sandra and I leave on the 9th of Sept. to go back to the GodZone and Matakana Valley. We have had a fun and busy summer here but it is time to go home to NZ. Spring is sprung there and we hear from Jeremy, or manager, that the grape vines are budding and need some training for the new shoots to lay down as they start to grow. We will be busy in the vineyard as the annual cycle of growth starts with the warming Southern Hemisphere weather.
All these photos are from our last winetasting here in Nashville this northern summer which was last week. We had another sellout crowd at the lovely Mambu's Restaurant on Hayes St. near the hospitals last Tues. This tasting came with very yummy nibbles prepared by Chef/manager- Anita Hartel. (that is Anita in the top photo setting up the food for the tasting. A public "thank you, Anita" for a yummy evening. We hope to have our 05 Hawks Nest Orchard Block Red launch NZ themed dinner at Mambu's in early Dec of this year. (more on that later in the fall) Midtown Wine and Spirits on Church St. sponsored the event with us and Paul Patel the owner came personally to taste the wines and visit with the guests. Again and public Thanks to Paul and Matthew who set up the tastings and selected the other wines offered at the tasting. Do drop by Midtown to get you next bottle or case of Hawks Nest Orchard Block Red as he has a lot in stock!!! That is Paul in the photo above with Amy of Lipman Brothers standing on the right of our Hawks Nest banner with a bottle of Orchard Block Red in his hand. Paul is the shy silent type but he sure knows his wine and customers.
The two guys with Amy in the photo by the wine bottles above are also from Lipmans -this shows what good support they give to wine tastings here in Nashville. Note to Robert Lipman====your team in always there and engaged in a wonderful way--maybe you should give them a raise:):):):):):)
The final photo of the lovely four "ladies night group" are good boozers with hearts of gold (note their glasses are empty). Sandra missed the tasting this time and was most upset not to see Mary, Pat, et. al. Thanks for coming you guys and Sandra says she will certainly be there for our big wine dinner end of year launch for our 05 release party. See you then.
So, it is good by for now and I promise to get back with more postings from our vineyard once we get over jetlag next week and hit the vineyard working.
Happy US Fall to you all (or NZ spring if you are reading this downunder)
DR JIM :):):):):)