Hawks Nest Wines of NZ

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Hawks Nest Wines of NZ: Hawks Nest Wines of NZ: Hawks Nest Wines of NZ

Hawks Nest Wines of NZ: Hawks Nest Wines of NZ: Hawks Nest Wines of NZ
Hello from Hawks Nest again. We had a nice wine tasting here in Nashville this Saturday afternoon. Grand Cru liqueur store hosts weekly informal Saturday afternoon free wine tastings at the coffee shop next to their store on Murphy Road in West Nashville. To my knowledge this is the neatest informal wine tasting around this summer here in Middle Tennessee as it is totally free to all comers. Today they let me be part of the event and focused on New Zealand wines and allowed Hawks Nest to participate and offer some of our Orchard Block Red wine as part of the afternoon of tasting. I had a lot of fun and talked with a lot of people about New Zealand wines and Hawks Nest. Here are two shots of the event. On the left you can see some of the imbiber and on the right you can see a shot of the Grand Cru host with one of our bottles of wine. The guy on the right with the longer hair is Nick Sparks who is a wine writer and the editor of Decant and Rant who was there helping out and sampling the wines and the ambiance as well. You can check out Nick's web site at www.decantandrant.com It was a fun afternoon and we had a good crowd- many of which walked right next door to Grand Cru and picked up some yummy NZ wines to talk home with them!!! Thanks to all of you who came as it "made my day" to see so many friends there sampling our vino. More soon, Dr JIm PS: That hot blond in the right side of the left photo is Elizabeth and unfortunately for you single guys she is married to the buff guy with his back turned to the camera whom she is smiling at!!!!!.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Hawks Nest Wines of NZ: Hawks Nest Wines of NZ

Hawks Nest Wines of NZ: Hawks Nest Wines of NZ

Well we are excited to have 6 different winetasting events set up here in Tennessee between now and when we go back to NZ mid Sept. These events should lead to a sell out for our 04 Hawks Nest Orchard Block Red wine. As I said in my last post, I got to visit several retail wine shops this last week in Nashville by riding along with the Lipman reps who call on them. It was a lot of fun and I met some very nice wine clerks. They way it works is that as a Tennessee licensed rep for Hawks Nest Vineyards I can take in a sample of our wine to let the staff taste it so they can become knowledgeable about the wine. I am not allowed to leave a bottle or to let any customers sample the wine. All to staff that I met were very interested in tasting a NZ red blend as no other such NZ wine is sold here. Anyway, we got favorable comments from all and several of the stores are ordering some of our wine. At each place I offered to participate in a tasting event for their customers. Amazingly we got agreements from the first three stores to set up tasting events over the next two months. The Lipmans rep said that was very rare to get such opportunities. I am sure it is because of the unique idea of a Nashville gynecologist having wine from NZ for sale here. That seems to make a nice selling point-the unusual story of our vineyard and winery development. Anyway, even the little ole ladies in the stores liked our bottle and love the wine. For proof, here is a shot of one of those ladies (my mother in law-Shirley)- who is 80ish and holding one of our bottles which she took back to her assisted living apartment. She knows that a little red wine is good for her health and she likes her son-in-law (me!) so she bought a bottle--for medicinal purposes only of course!!!!! More Soon; Dr Jim

Friday, July 14, 2006

Hawks Nest Wines of NZ: Hawks Nest Wines of NZ

Hawks Nest Wines of NZ: Hawks Nest Wines of NZ

Well, it has been a long dry spell for my blog posting. We have been busy with our grandchildren and trust me that is full time work!!!! I had a very exciting day today in my life as a wine seller. I got the honor to give a presentation and tasting of our lovely Hawks Nest Orchard Block Red wine to the staff associates at Lipman Brothers here in Nashville. Lipmans is our importer as well as wholesaler for our wine and hold staff meetings each Friday. Their reps are VERY sharp wine people who really know their wines and the business of wines. Here are two shots from today's meeting. As you can see they have a big enthusiastic group of staff experts. They are mostly smiling. Why not??? (what a job; drink wine free each week, taste the best wine in the world, hang out at the best wine bars and dining spots in the region all while getting paid to do that!!!! ) Heck, if I had any sort of a palate at all I might apply for a job for Robert Lipman myself--they could be the first wine wholesaler with a gynecologist on staff.
(it is a tough job there at Lipman Brothers to get as you do have to know your wines!!!)

Anyway, I got to talk a bit about NZ and our vision for Hawks Nest Orchard Block Red and they all got to taste our wine. It was great fun and now when they call on their retail accounts they can speak with more authority about NZ, it's wines, and most importantly about our lovely Hawks Nest Orchard Block Red.

I also got to ride out for a dayto some wine stores with Amy and Leslie who are two of Lipman's top wine reps on their retail calls. That was really neat and a real educational experience for me. I think I will talk about that day in my next blog- so log on again soon to hear that tale.

More soon from

Dr Jim who is not now downunder.

News Flash!!!!! Grand Cru liquors on Murphy Road just off West End Ave. in west Nashville is hosting a FREE (yes I said free) wine tasting next Sat, July 22 from 3 to 4:30. I will be there to talk about NZ, it's wine, and to pour some samples of our Orchard Block Red wine- along with some other wines as well. Do try to come and alert your wine imbibing friends, relatives, and neighbors. Hope to see you then.

You can't beat the price!!!